Dom Spinardi
Dom Spinardi
Dom has been one of my good buddies since the early days of Aqua SF. He's one of the most talented native surfers around. He was born and raised in the fog of Half Moon Bay, where it's too nice to leave for very long.
You will most likely see Dom driving up and down the coast, blasting epic instrumental music out of his wagon, drawing on his maniacal local knowledge of every local nook and cranny in the hunt for that magic session. Dom has spent as much time in the region checking every possible wave on every tide and swell direction as anybody.
“I love searching, not for the gold medal session, but the silver medal- meaning not too crowded, not too lumpy nor bumpy, Those magical moments where you get glassy fun surf, but no one seems to be on it. I love exploring by myself except when it is time to surf- then I’m glad to have some buddies join in as some of these spots kinda seem like they should be featured on Shark Week!” Dom went to college in Southern California and was frequenting spots like Stonesteps, Ponto, Oceanside Harbor and Lowers which he enjoyed, but Dom was aching to get back up to offshore Ocean Beach and the barrels, those filthy nasty barrels... that “The OB Barrel Farm produces.”
“I missed the juice, the calmness and the wilds of Northern California. Recently Dom started driving for Lyft to earn his next trip back out to to the Mentawai Islands off Indonesia. When I asked him about his favorite boards he was quick to speak very highly about Xanadu, “Xanadu has always been a positive mentor to me, and he is an incredible performance shortboard maker! I’m saving up for some more boards from him right now!”
- Aleks
Congrats Dom!