Happy Halloween
October 16 2008
October 16 2008

Da Birds-
The theme for our Halloween windows this year is Alfred Hitchcock�s THE BIRDS! Oddly enough after watching it last night, my little Parrot has started to bite the crap out of my hands- when that little beak catches and punctures flesh- DAMN it hurts!

So imagine if you will, flocks of angry birds, attacking/pecking/screaming from every angle! This is what makes Hitchcock�s film so frightening! We do not think of common birds as a threat, but if they were aggressive and unpredictable?!!- Well just watch this scene where Ms Brenner finds her friend Dan dead in his bedroom-
Why do the birds attack? Tippi�s hairstyle? Revenge for all the birds we�ve killed as boys with BB guns? Your guess is as good as mine, and for me this is what makes the film so memorable.
For the window design I have a favorite Bird�s scene in mind- Where the main character Melanie is sitting outside the Bodega School House nervously smoking a cigarette while unannounced behind her, crows are silently collecting on the school yard jungle gym. Readying themselves for an ambush on humanity. So in the West window I am assembling a jungle gym prop out of some redwood lattice, and mounting a bunch of crows cut out of masonite atop it.

In the east window I have painted this canvas of mad erratic birds swarming around the schoolhouse. Then I added some simple head illustrations of Melanie and Dan atop our mannequins, and painted the logo of the man himself- the "Master of Suspense"- Alfred Hitchcock.

So HAPPY HALLOWEEN everybody, get out there and make some creative costumes.
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